Volunteer work abroad in a musical school (BA-19) possible as a gap year!

During the volunteering in a musical school in Buenos Aires you will participate in various projects which are carried out by the foundation:

  • Musical workshops in special education for children under 5 with neurological problems
  • Musical workshops for children and youth between 7 and 15 at a public school
  • Student programs with Musica Popular graduation
  • Participate in the organization of concerts
  • July 6th, 2016|

    Volunteer work abroad in an NGO for children with serious diseases (CBA-149) Also possible as gap year offer!

    During the volunteering in this NGO that supports sick children and their families the volunteer will take part in various tasks that improve the situation of the children and the families, e.g art and craft workshops, organization of games, food distribution Your daily responsibilities in this volunteering abroad:

  • Reception and release of families
  • Control of the institution to determine if everything is ready for the reception of families
  • Acceptance of donations
  • May 3rd, 2016|

    Volunteer work abroad: NGO for integration (CBA-151.2) Also possible as gap year offer!

    Your responsibilities in this volunteering abroad:

  • Assistance in the daily activities of the volunteers e.g. organize games for the kids, after-school homework supervision
  • Participate in campaigns and events of the institution
  • Propose activities for the children and disabled people
  • The NGO has a variety of programs, which address different target groups. The activities of the volunteers vary by the programs.
    April 29th, 2016|

    Volunteer work abroad in an NGO for integration (CBA-151.1) Also possible as gap year offer!

    Your responsibilities in this volunteering abroad: The Volunteering in the NGO implies the participation in all activities related to the national program ‘Un niño Un Futuro’:

  • Activities of physical expression
  • Activities of artistic and creative expression such as poems, short stories or handicraft activities
  • School support for children after class
  • Enhance citizen’s participation to integrate the handicapped people and disadvantaged children into the society
  • Prepare the weekly radio broadcast and publish a brochure for the society about the life and activities of the children
  • Proposals for new activities for the children
  • April 28th, 2016|

    Volunteer work abroad in a child and youth welfare (CBA-150.2) Also possible as gap year offer!

    In the area of education and integration

  • Participation in workshops and events
  • Assistance in leisure activities
  • Home visits together with other volunteers
  • The volunteers will meet during the week to plan and prepare activities, events and workshop. These activities will be carried out on weekends. The volunteer can also participate in the area of project development. The field of work might be adapted to the profile of the particular intern and therefore is (depending on the establishment slightly to highly) variable.
    April 19th, 2016|

    Volunteer work abroad at a homeless shelter (CBA-120) Also possible as last minute or gap year!

    The foundation provides the needy persons with food, clothing and basic medical care. It organizes events to inform underprivileged people about their rights and additionally they work together with other NGOs. The homeless get support in finding an employment and housing. In addition, it supports literacy campaigns and provides tutoring, as well as training and leisure activities.

    September 15th, 2015|