Our volunteering projects abroad
You are big-hearted, open-minded and interested in getting involved in social projects abroad? At the same time, you would love to live in South America and learn a new language? Then our Volunteer Program is just the right thing for you! Find out more about our 12 exciting volunteer work areas:
Volunteering in Argentina:
Children Development
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects aborad in the area of Children Development.
Types of institutions:
Charitable facilities enhancing children development, schools, kindergardens, educational support centers, community-based organizations.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Work with the team to organize educational and recreational activities and develop new activities and workshops. Participate in art or sports workshops and put together the workshop material for those. Help with childcare and support the teachers in their educational work, especially in dealing with children in the early childhood development phase. Accompany excursions and activities outside the institution. Support the team in the daily tasks (cleaning, cooking, etc.). - Institutional Development:
Organize and participate in events, campaigns (e.g. Fundraising, donations) and special events such as concerts. - Administration:
Arrange and organize materials and instruments for the workshops, organize files, gather data or manage social media and the website.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Arts & Culture
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Arts & Culture.
Types of institutions:
Cultural centres, theatres, social facilities, music schools, and libraries with cultural content.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Collaborate on the organization and supervision of recreational and artistic projects and special events (e.g. Concerts, exhibitions, etc.) Help in the workshops organized by the institution such as writing, visual arts, music or acting. Assist visitors and workshops attendants.
- Communication:
Perform various tasks regarding the institution activities, such as communicating workshops, social media management, assist with the design of advertising, etc.
- Administration:
Arrange and organize materials and instruments for the workshops, organize files, enter data, manage social media and website, help in the library.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Education.
Types of institutions:
Schools, social facilities and community support centres with a focus on education.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Support the team with daily tasks (cleaning, cooking, etc.). Collaborate with the professional team in the organization of educational and recreational activities, suggest new activities or workshops. Cooperate with the arrangement of workshop materials. Take part in the activities of the institution such as art or sports workshops, early childhood development, etc. Help with childcare. Assist the teachers and give educational support. Collaborate with the team and join them during excursions and activities outside of the institution (e.g. visit museums, zoos, farms, theatres). - Institutional development:
Organize and participate in spreading events, campaigns (eg. fundraising, donations) and special events such as concerts. - Administration:
Arrange and organize materials and instruments for the workshops, organize files, gather data, manage social media and the website, help in the library.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Youth Development
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Youth Development.
Types of institutions:
Charitable NGO´s, NGO´s and social institutions supporting human rights.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Support the team with daily tasks (cleaning, cooking, etc.) Collaborate with the professional team in the organization of educational and recreational activities, suggest new activities or workshops. Cooperate with the arrangement of workshop materials. Participate in the activities of the institution such as art or sports workshops. Distribution of food, blankets, clothing and medicines to needy people, etc. - Institutional development:
Organize and participate in spreading events, campaigns (e.g. fundraising, donations) and special events such as concerts. - Administration:
Arrange and organize materials and instruments for the workshops, organize files, gather data, manage social media and website, help in the library among other duties.
Volunteering in Argentina: Community Work
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Community Work.
Types of institutions:
Charitable or social institutions with focus on e.g. legal advice, social integration, medicine or culture, communtiy centres. Facilities offering cultural content such as music schools, theatres or libraries.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Join the volunteer and professional team of the institution to support them with daily tasks, workshops and other activities such as: child care, cooking, talking to the needy persons and comfort them (homeless people, elder people, victims of violence, etc); distribute warm clothes and medicines, help with community orchards, etc. Participate in and cooperate with the professional services that are offered by the institution such as support therapies, medical assistance, legal advice, etc. Participate in the meetings of professional and volunteer teams. Receive a working plan that fits your personal strenghts and interests. - Institutional development:
Organize and participate in spreading events, campaigns (e.g. fundraising, donations) and special events such as concerts. Perform Marketing tasks such as communication with other volunteers, donors, and mass media. Develop projects for the institution according to the education level and interests of the volunteer. - Administration:
Arrange and organize materials and instruments for the workshops, organize files, gather data, manage social media and the website, help in the library.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Conservation & Wildlife
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Conservation & Wildlife.
Types of institutions:
Nature parks, organizers of excursions with focus on wildlife and nature conservation. Social facilities adressing nature conservation and environmental issues.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Support the working team in daily activities, such as: assisting the rangers with their tasks: Permanent patrolling in the designated areas, control visitors’ entrance and provide information about the Park’s flora and fauna, protect and preserve wild areas, enforce regulations and rules. Guiding visitor tours; taking care of wounded wildlife; joining the trekking guides and assisting them on the tours. - Research:
Perform research tasks about sustainable development and environmental protection. Create reports and/or develop a training or action plan according to the investigation results.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Healthcare.
Types of insitutions:
Therapeutic centers, charitable NGO´s, community support organizations.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Support the professional team in workshops and other activities of the institution (according to the type of institution, these activities might be workshops about child health care, early childhood development, prevention of malnutrition, etc). Participate in institutional meetings of technical and educational teams, such as supervision and training meetings. Suggest activities to improve the situation of sick children and their families. - Institutional development:
Assist and participate in ongoing campaigns and events organized by the institution (e.g. fundraising, donations, etc.). - Administration:
Arrange and organize materials and instruments for the workshops, organize files, gather data, and other tasks.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Human Rights
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Human Rights.
Types of institutions:
NGO´s supporting human rights and democracy, social facilities representing the rights of minorities, charitable institutions and community centers with projects in the area of human rights. Museum with focus on human rights.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Research:
Perform research tasks about Human Rights situations, sustainable development and environmental protection. Make reports and/or develop a training or action plan according to the investigation results.. - Collaboration with other volunteers:
Join the working teams and collaborate with the professionals in different areas, workshops, and activities (support therapy, medical care, legal advice, etc.). Support participants or guide tours through a museum for human rights. - Institutional development:
Participate in spreading events, campaigns (e.g. fundraising, donations) and special events such as concerts… - Administration:
Arrange and put in order materials and instruments for the workshops, organize files, gather data, manage social media and the website, help in the library.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Recreation.
Types of institutions:
Charitable institutions with focus on leisure time activities, travel agencies, theatres and cultural facilities with recreation-libraries.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Support the organization with the supervision of recreational and artistic projects and special events (e.g. concerts, exhibitions, etc.).
Assist with and take part in the ongoing programs of the institution, such as workshops of artistic expression, recycling, and free speech, etc. Help the workshop attendants. Guidance and assistance of visitor tours. Join the trekking guides and assist them on the tours. - Communication:
Perform spreading tasks about the institution activities, such as advertising, social media management, assist with the design of advertising, etc. - Administration:
Arrange and organize materials and instruments for the workshops, organize files, gather data, manage social media and the website, help in the library.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Homeless Shelter
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Homeless Shelter.
Types of institutions:
Charitable institutions and associations, community-based initiatives.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Work together with the team, participate in meetings with other NGOs, help in the kitchen, and participate in workshops (e.g. bakery, knitting and sewing). - Institutional development:
Participate and help with ongoing campaigns (e.g. fundraising, donations). - Support activities:
Distribution of drinks and hot meals to homeless people, talk to them in order to get to know about their needs. Develop ideas how to further improve the support for homeless people.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Animal Protection
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Animal Care.
Types of institutions:
Nature reserves, national parks, associations caring for straying cats and dogs and helping them find a new home.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Support the team in daily activities, such as: Assist the rangers with their tasks (e.g. permanent patrolling in the designated areas, control visitors’ entrance and provide information about the park’s flora and fauna, protect and preserve wild areas, enforce regulations and rules.) Guide visitor tours. Care of wounded wildlife. Take part in ongoing projects related to environmental education, conservation, research, and public participation for instance: Project for the environmental recovery of the area, project for development of geographical information systems in the park.
Volunteering in Argentina:
Handicapped Aid
Here, you will find an overview of typical institutions and volunteer activities of our projects abroad in the area of Handicapped Aid.
Types of institutions:
Private and public institutions supporting people with mental or physical disabilities, associations, charitable organisations and rehabilitation centers.

Description of your volunteer work:
- Collaboration within the team:
Assist the team with daily tasks, such as helping in the kitchen, organizing and participating in workshops and recreational activities such as painting, dancing, playing educational games. Take part of the meetings of the professional team.
According to the type of institution, the education level and interests of the volunteer, he/she can work together with the professional teams in workshops of psychomotricity or early childhood development activities. - Institutional development:
Assist and participate in ongoing campaigns and events organized by the institution (e.g. fundraising, raise awareness, etc).
- Collaboration within the team: